Thursday, 22 November 2012

FEM Individual Report

Festivals and Events Management (BLR3001)

Field Trip Assignment Brief – Individual Report                                                                                                                                

1 Shangri-La Hotel Singapore


One of the many events that Shangri-La Hotel had played a part in was the 22nd Singapore Pharmacy Congress 2012, which was held from 29 to 30 September 2012, located at Shangri-La Hotel. This event’s objectives were to bring the pharmacists to a higher level and to reach out to the public through its health education programmes.


In this event, Shangri-La hotel played a part as a sponsor, by providing its hotel facilities for the programmes such as the Tanglin Room or Red Gardenia Room. With it being the venue for the event, the participants will have direct access to the hotel’s facilities and services. We can conclude that this is an efficient and speedy method used to reach out to the market. Also, Shangri-La hotel sponsored for the event website and it gained the privilege of having its hotel name shown on the event banner. We can, thus, conclude that Shangri-La hotel was actively involved in this event, and it was an efficient and effective marketing channel for the hotel.


Next, Opera Rocks Gala dinner was an event organised by Shangri-La Hotel and was held on 29 March 2010, in the Island Ballroom. Besides the organic dinner prepared by the hotel’s top chef, there were also special performances by Singapore young talents and a group of world-renowned performers. Being the organiser for this event, it made use of its own facilities instead of other locations. Furthermore, the hotel made use of the popularity of the world-renowned performers, to market its hotel. As there will be many people coming for the event, it can therefore reach out to many people.      

2 Anime Festival Asia’12

2.1 What is Anime & Manga?



“Anime” is a Japanese word, which came from the English word “animation”, for animation. In Japan, “anime” refers to all animation or cartoon, regardless of the genre, style or nation of origin. (Anime News Network, 2012) But outside of Japan, “anime” refers only to the Japanese animations. “Anime” can be defined by the origin or the style, such as their drawing style which include big eyes, small mouth and pointy hair. “Manga” is a Japanese term for comics. Usually, if the comic is popular, it would usually debut as an animation. 

2.2 About AFA’12


Anime Festival Asia (AFA) is an anime convention that is organized by Sozo and Dentsu, which both are marketing companies. Since 2008, AFA was held annually at Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, of Singapore. As a result of its success for being the first anime festival in Southeast Asia, it became a necessary platform for people to showcase and commemorate their love for popular Japanese culture. Therefore, AFA’s main target market is people who have strong interest in the Japanese culture, anime and music.

Anime Festival Asia’12 was AFA’s fifth anniversary since 2008. The event was held at Singapore Expo Halls 7 and 8, on the 9 to 11 November, from 9AM to 9PM. This festival invited 6 famous cosplayers from Japan and Taiwan, voice actors and anime directors, and featured 10 international J-Pop artistes in I LOVE ANISONG World Stage 2012.



This event comprises of anime merchandises; showcases such as the Japanese movie, arts and figurines based on the anime characters; programmes at the stage area such as Cosplay competition, greetings by J-Pop artistes. There are also exclusive appearances of the famous cosplayers at the exhibition areas. Also, participants are welcomed to cosplay at the event.

Photographs taken by Pearlyn Ong

We can conclude that AFA is a major event in Singapore, due to the change in venue from Suntec Convention centre to the Expo halls, which can hold more people.

3 Analysis of AFA’12 and Comparison

3.1 Price

3.1.1 Comparison between 2012 and 2011: Entrance Tickets’ Price

Festival Only Access
SGD$8 per day
$8 per day
Festival + Stage (F+S) Access
SGD$20 per day
$18 per day
Festival Only, upgrade to F+S Access
$12 per day
Table 1: Comparison between 2012 and 2011: Entrance Tickets' Price

AFA’s event venue is categorised into Festival, Stage and Concert. As shown in Table 1, we can see that the organiser removed upgrading Festival ticket to F+S ticket for AFA’12. In my own opinion, I think that removing the inclusion of the upgrades was the right choice. For AFA’11’s pricing, it would psychologically attract people to straightaway purchase the F+S so as to save up that additional SGD$2. But if this method was implemented for AFA’12, the organiser may be unable to cover the costs, because there are more booths in the exhibition area. Therefore, we can conclude that this method was the safest and effective for pricing the tickets.


3.1.2 Comparison between 2012 and 2011: Concert Tickets’ Price

3 Day VIP Package
1 Day VIP Ticket
Table 2: VIP ticket’s price

3 Day Basic Package
1 Day Basic Ticket
Table 3: Basic ticket’s price

During AFA’11, Anisong concert tickets only had two categories: VIP and Basic. Thus, we are unable to compare the Standard tickets. As shown in Table 2 and 3, the ticket prices have increased during AFA’12. Although the offerings for both years are the same, some of the artistes have changed and the increase in price may be based on their popularity in Japan. Also, an increase in price may be due to costs incurred by holding the concert at Max Pavilion. Furthermore, by increasing the price of the tickets, the customers may think that the higher the prices are, the better the quality of the performances are. Therefore, we can conclude that it is a moderately good strategy to increase the prices of the concert tickets.

3.2 Product

The core product of this event is a place for people to gather together and commemorate their love for Japanese anime, culture and music. Therefore, the core services for Japanese anime were,
  • Bandai and Tamashii Nations Booth which showcases the action figures of Tiger & Bunny and Mazinger Z chogokin respectively.
  •  Animax Booth is a booth for you to immerse yourself in the world of K, the new upcoming anime in Japan. It provides information about the anime and sells its merchandises.
  • Re: Cyborg 009 Booth is specially dedicated to Director Kamiyama Kenji’s anime remake, Re: Cyborg 009. It will be showcasing the art and the trailer of the director’s latest animated movie which will be in Singapore GV theatres soon.
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica booth features exhibits brought in from Japan and sale of the anime merchandise.

Photograph taken by Pearlyn Ong

Participating Companies
·         AMUSE
·         009 Re: Cyborg
·         HORIPRO
·         KING RECORDS
·         Lis Ani!
·         INCS
·         Toyota
·         ANIMAX
·         MARBLE Collection
·         Anime Karaoke Max
·         “Wan ofu”
·         TMS Entertainment Ltd.
Table 4: Records labels and Management Companies

One of the exhibition areas that had improved a lot was the Japanese entertainment zone which many record labels and management companies (shown in Table 4) participate in to bring us exclusive content. The core services provided were,
  • HoriPro booth features artistes talkshows, official merchandise for sale, autograph and handshake sessions, and a special SEA*A (Japanese pop band) event.
  • AMUSE Booth; includes “Rurouni Kenshin Zone” which showcases the costume and “sakabatou” (reversed edge) sword used in the movie, “Baby Metal (Japanese pop/rock band) Zone” which showcases its Fox Shrine, “Perfume (Japanese pop band) Zone” which showcases the members in mini-hologram form, “AMUSE Theatre” which plays music videos of the Amuse artistes for the whole day on the screen, “Amuse Official Shop ASMART” sells official merchandise of the artistes.

Photographs taken by Pearlyn Ong


The other core services for Japanese culture were the Moe Moe Kyun maid and Atelier Royale butler cafes, Marble collection which showcases the fashion in Shibuya, Harajuku and Akihabara and some performances, and Akiba Town. Others are shown in Table 5.

Other Products
·         Bushiroad booth
·         Creators Hub
·         Anime Festival Asia Shop
·         Pokemon Booth
·         Panasonic Booth
·         Culture Japan by Danny Choo
·         Bon Japan booth
·         AFA Food Street
·         Nestle
·         ToyCoin booth
·         Sword Art Online booth
·         KKnM booth
·         Canon Mini Stage
·         Canon Cosplay Zone
·         Anime Karaoke Master
·         TOYOTA booth
·         Lis Ani! Booth
·         Marble Collection booth
·         Gundam booth
·         MUSE
Table 5: Other Products

Photograph taken by Pearlyn Ong


Other products provided by the event were the wrist tag, which was given to people who bought the F+S ticket, VIP and standard concert ticket, was used as an entry “pass” to the stage area or concert;  event brochure which provides a map of the exhibition grounds. Differentiating products were the artistes invited were only Japanese artistes; the location of the venue has easy access to transportation such as trains and taxi stand; efficient crowd management.


The changes that had taken place between 2011 and 2012 were the change in featured anime and movie screenings; inclusion of more retailers, entertainment booths such as HoriPro and AMUSE booths. By bringing in more retailers and culture-related activities or entertainment from Japan, this event brings the participants a step closer towards Japanese culture.

3.3 Programming

Ticketing Counters

Ticketing Counters’ schedule
9 Nov
12PM to 8PM
10 & 11 Nov
8AM to 8PM
Table 8: Ticketing Counters’ Schedule

As the Festival and F+S tickets will only be on sale on 9 Nov outside of Expo hall, both festival and stage were scheduled to open on 10 and 11 Nov. Therefore, participants will be able to get their tickets in advance and have the change to be the first to enter the exhibition area, instead of having to queue up early in the morning to get the tickets. Also, 9Nov is a Friday whereas people have work or school, therefore, the counters were scheduled to open at 12PM (shown in Table 8). This is an effective mean of scheduling the counters’ opening hours as the organiser can save up the costs of manpower for a few hours.

Festival Grounds
On 10 – 11 Nov, the doors to the festival grounds which is the exhibition areas and main stage open from 9AM to 9PM. There were no changes between 2011 and 2012 for the opening hours of the festival.

Stage Access
During AFA’11, the stage access was only opened from 10AM to 5PM because the Anisong concert were using the same area and needed preparations. As this year’s AFA was held at Singapore Expo Halls, with sufficient facilities for the organiser to assign the areas, the management of crowd flow is more efficient.

Saturday: 10 Nov 2012
Amuse Inc. Japan Future Entertainment Showcase
K – Special Anime Presentation
Electric Groove: Anisong World Stage Artistes Appearance 1
HoriPro – Japan Future Entertainment Showcase
Shinichiro Watanabe – Director’s Presentation
Electric Groove: Anisong World Stage Artistes Appearance 2
Eureka Seven AO – Special Anime Presentation
AFA Cosplay Singles Competition
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie
Table 6: Main stage – 10 Nov

Sunday: 11 Nov 2012
Kenji Kamiyama – Director’s Presentation
Lis Ani! – Japan Future Entertainment Showcase
Bushiroad Stage
Electric Groove: Anisong World Stage Artistes Appearance
Sphere Special Stage
Danny Choo’s Presentation
AFA Regional Cosplay Championship Grand Finals
Fairy Tail : The Priestess of the Phoenix
Table 7: Main stage – 11 Nov

As shown in Table 6 and 7, some of the programmes were the appearance of the Anisong artistes, and showcases of Amuse and HoriPro artistes; the Bushiroad and Sphere stage which both features popular voice actors, Q&A and live-dubbing sessions. One of the Anisong artistes was T.M.Revolution, who had the whole stage to himself on 9Nov. He is a popular Japanese rock artist and news of his concert for AFA’12 had stirred up lots of excitement among the fans of Japanese rock. His appearance in AFA’12 would help the festival to generate lots of revenue due to his popularity in Japan.

Other programmes include the talks of Director Kenji Kamiyama, Shinichiro Watanabe and Danny Choo; the screenings of anime movies. AFA Cosplay Singles Competition and Regional Cosplay Champion is where participants dressed up as anime characters and the competition will be judge by famous cosplayers.

Compared to AFA’11, the hours of the programmes were the same, except for the starting time of the programmes. For AFA’11, the programmes started from 10AM to 5PM, while for AFA’12, the programmes started from 12PM to 7PM.

Concert at Max Pavilion
For AFA’12, doors of the Max Pavilion were opened at 6.30PM and the concert started from 7.30PM to 11PM. It is an effective and considerate mean of scheduling the concert in the evening because people going to the concert, will have enough time to access the festival and stage. There are no changes between 2011 and 2012 because both were scheduled in the evening, except for the location used for the concert.

3.4 Packaging and Distribution

3.4.1 Tickets’ Privilege

As there are different types of tickets sold for AFA, each ticket is considered a service bundle which includes the types of entertainment that they can access with a certain price.

By purchasing the Festival ticket, it grants entry to the exhibition areas which includes merchandises, food & beverage and entertainment (shown in Table 5). For the Festival + Stage ticket, it grants the entry to the exhibition areas as well as the activities at the stage area, as shown in Table 6 and 7.

By purchasing the VIP and standard concert tickets, the participants are allowed to access the Festival and stage area; and the redemption of light sticks at the ticket counter. Only for the VIP ticket, participants can get autographs from selected artistes. By purchasing the “Madoka Magica” movie tickets and Marble Fashion show, the participants can redeem exclusive items at the ticket counter.

Compared to 2011’s ticket privilege, there are no differences between the privileges given for the tickets in 2011 and 2012, except for the programmes offered. We can conclude that this is an effective mean of positioning the festival and attracting people by offering exclusive anime-related items for redemption.   

3.4.2 Distribution of Tickets

Distribution Networks
·         AFA Shop
·         Outside of Expo Hall 7
·         AKB48 Official Shop Singapore
·         Dentsu Singapore
·         Rapid Culture
·         Latendo
·         KKnM
·         Suntec Convention centre main lobby
Table 9: Distribution of Festival and F+S tickets

As shown on the table above, the organiser had decreased the number of distribution networks for the sale of Festival + Stage Access tickets for AFA'12. This can be due to the fact that AFA shop, which the management of AFA had opened in 2011. As AFA had a brick-and-mortar shop, it does not have to widen its ticket distribution at other brick-and-mortar shops. This can also be due to the fact that there are some security problems in handling the cash. Therefore, we can evaluate that by decreasing the distribution networks, the effectiveness of this method is moderate because the organiser can save the cost of distributing the tickets to other sellers and also to tighten the security in handling cash. 
But at the same time, it reaches out to lesser people.

For the Festival only tickets, they can only be purchased during the event days, outside of Expo Hall 7.

Distribution Networks
·         Event Clique
·         Outside of Expo hall 8
·         SISTIC
Table 10: Distribution of other tickets.

As shown on the table above, the organiser had changed AFA’s ticketing agent to Event Clique. The sale of Anisong concert tickets, “Madoka Magica” movie and Marble Fashion Show tickets are sold through Event Clique. There are Event Clique counters, located outside of Expo Hall 8, for the sale and collection of the tickets. They are also for redemption of the three programmes’ items. Although, both are ticketing agents, I think that SISTIC would be a better ticketing agent because it is a commonly known brand in Singapore, thus trustable. Also, it has an online and brick-and-mortar shop.

By selling the tickets through internet, the ticket sales can be monitored and the security problems in handling money will decrease. Both ticketing agents allow foreigners to purchase the tickets through online channel.

3.5 Place

3.5.1 Event Venue

Singapore Expo halls 7 & 8
Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre
Table 11: Event Venue

Since 2008, AFA had been hosting at Suntec Convention Centre. As shown in the table above, AFA’12 had changed its event venue to Singapore Expo Halls. This is due to the increase in booths and entertainment at the exhibition areas. Also, AFA’12 was expected to welcome at least 85,000 people. Furthermore, 
the Anisong concert for AFA’12 was held at Max Pavilion, which was located directly beside the Expo halls. We can conclude that the organiser of the event did careful analysis and considerations before he decided to change the venue. Also, it is also effective for market expansion because the venue is now able to hold more people.

3.6 People

·         Amuse
·         Bandai
·         HoriPro
·         KING Records
·         Panasonic
·         Lis Ani!
·         Ocean
·         Singapore Exhibition and Convention Centre
·         Japan Creative Centre
·         20th Anniversary 2011
·         Cool Japan
·         JCB Singapore
Table 12: Supporters

Compared to AFA’11(shown in the table above), the number of supporters have changed and increased for AFA’12.  As AFA’12 is a major event, the cost will be extremely high. Therefore, other alternative way to reduce the cost would be to find volunteers to help out with the ticketing counters, managing of crowds, as sales promoter or cashier in some of the booths. Some booths such as Amuse or Bandai are managed by their own companies’ staff, thus AFA will be able to save up on manpower cost. Having the same vision, it may create a bond between the management staff and the participants.

3.7 Promotion

The marketing channels which AFA made use of are the event website, mailing list, Facebook page and twitter whereby new information of the event would be continuously updated.

AFA is making use of corporate communications to promote its event because many companies will be participating in the event, such as the retailers from Akiba Town and the participating companies for Japanese entertainment. They will have booths set up during the event, thus in order to generate profits, they will have to help to advertise about the event. For example, Gamespot Asia, JCB Singapore and Culture Japan.  AFA made use of its Facebook page to publicise the merchandise that will be sold on the event itself.

Compared to AFA’11, there are more marketing channels implement by the organiser for the publicity of AFA’12, which would benefit the event as the network is widen and news of the event will reach more people.

3.8 Partnership



The organiser for AFA’12 is Dentsu and Sozo. Both companies had work together since the first AFA in 2008, thus we can conclude that they have a solid partnership and strong relationship.

Logistics Partner
·         Alliance 21 Private Limited
·         Pico
Travel Partner
·         ANA
·         Japan Airlines
·         ANA
·         Bushiroad
·         JCB Singapore
·         Canon
·         Bushiroad
·         Canon
·         Nico Nico Douga
·         Toyota
·         Bandai
Table 13: Logistics and Travel Partner, and Sponsors

As shown in the table above, we can conclude there was a change in AFA’s logistics partner and there was an additional travel partner, Japan airlines. Working with Alliance 21 Private Limited, it allows AFA to involve more local residents in management of this event.

Compared to AFA’11 (shown in the table above), the sponsors for AFA’12 have decreased. Some of the sponsors may have decided to stop using AFA as one of their marketing channels because they had being the sponsors of AFA for many years and there wasn’t much impact on or excitement among people; or the companies are not in a good financial position to sponsor for a major event. Therefore, to make up for the losses, there are more supporters for AFA’12 than AFA’11. Therefore, we can conclude that AFA’12 may not have serious financial problems due to the decrease in sponsors.

4 Conclusion

The overall evaluation of the 8Ps of this event is effective and efficient. The most changes could be seen under Product, because the organiser want to bring participants a step closer to Japanese culture. Also, based on the facilities mentioned, the event will thus generate a huge cost. Therefore, the organiser may have to come up with attractive proposals for the sponsors to continue sponsoring for AFA and to maintain a stable financial position.

5 Recommendations

Shangri-La hotel will be making use of its Island ballroom to hold a variety of sub-events as shown below.

5.1 Manga Corner

This corner will be set up like a mini café, with chairs and tables, and a bar which only serve coffee, tea, soft drinks and Japanese snacks. It is a corner for people who share the same interest to socialize with one another. Before the start of this event, participants are encouraged to bring their own comics to this corner, to chill and socialize.

5.2 Lolita Fashion Showcase

Lolita is a Japanese subculture fashion which started in the 1980s, and was inspired by the clothing of the Victorian and Rococo period. Nowadays, the popularity of Lolita fashion had expanded beyond Japan. Lolita Fashion is worn to look cute or elegant. The common traits of a Lolita fashion are knee-length skirt or dress with a ‘cupcake’ or ‘bell’ shape supported by a petticoat; blouses; knee high socks or stockings; headdresses.



Brands of Lolita fashion in Japan are “Baby”, “Stars Shine Bright” and “Metamorphose temps de fille”, etc.  There are many types of Lolita fashion, but we will only be showcasing the sweet, gothic and boy style Lolita fashion that are most commonly seen in Japan. Lolita fashion does not only appeal to the girls, there is also a male version of Lolita fashion, which is the boy style Lolita.


At the showcase booth, there will be a display of mannequins which would be dressed up in the three styles mentioned above. Also, cosplay dolls will also be dressed and displayed at the booth. Participants are encouraged to dress up themselves or their dolls, and join in the Lolita trend that is happening at the booth. Furthermore, we would bring in merchandise from the Lolita brands, “Star Shine Bright” and “Moi-même-Moitié” in Japan and they will be up for sale at the booth.

5.3 Bento showcase


Bento is a Japanese word for food packed or served in a box. In Japan, bento are readily available in many places and it is common for the Japanese people to prepare bento for their family members or themselves. There are many types of bento, with different purposes, such as the picnic bento that is meant to be shared by a group of people outdoors or “ekiben” that is a boxed meal sold at train stations for travellers. In this event, we will be showcasing the making of healthy bento and “kyaraben” which means character bento. It will be incorporated with characters from anime, manga or video games. Different time slots are assigned to each demonstration.


We will be inviting Japanese housewives and Anna from New York, who are currently living in Singapore, to demonstrate the making of a healthy and character bento. Anna has a blog at Wordpress, where she would post up pictures of her creations and tutorials to help others who are interested to learn. (Anna The Red, 2012) Pre-made healthy and character bento, bento kits and anime-themed bento boxes will be up for sale at this booth. 




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